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German Verbs - wissen - to know - conjugated

German Verbs - wissen - to know - conjugated In the accompanying outline you will discover the conjugation of the sporadic German verbâ ...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

What They Fought For 1861-1865 Free Essay Example, 750 words

The review addresses critical issues illustrated in the historical book What They Fought For 1861-1865. James McPherson adequately examines the people who took part in the Civil War in the United States. McPherson has adequate knowledge in American historical issues because he competently served as the US history lecture at the Princeton University. The book stresses the motivation that made the soldiers, mostly volunteers, to participate in the war and hence risk their lives. The focus of the review is in the areas of; expertise and motive of the author, ideologies and objectives illustrated in the book, book critique, and also recommendations based on the book. James McPherson is among the most competent historians internationally. In the present intellectual atmosphere, he has strongly defended the progressive analysis and understanding of the American Civil War. McPherson wrote the book based on several lectures that he conducted at the Louisiana State University, titled "The W alter L. Fleming Lectures in Southern History. " The author is an authority in American history, due to the high knowledge, skills and experiences acquired lecturing at Princeton University. The main objective of McPherson that resulted in writing the book was, to illustrate the motivations of the volunteer soldiers during the American civil war. We will write a custom essay sample on What They Fought For 1861-1865 or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page What They Fought For 1861-1865 was developed based on "The Walter L. Fleming Lectures in Southern History" conducted at the Louisiana State University.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Alternative vs. Traditional Fuel Sources - 2675 Words

Alternative vs. Traditional Energy Sources The use of alternative energy sources versus the use of traditional energy sources has become one of the country’s, if not the world’s, most heated debate in recent years. For the purposes of this paper, the term â€Å"alternative energy† refers to any form of energy that is not derived from fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources like wind farms, solar cells, hydroelectric dams, biomass fuels, and nuclear power have been considered to be attainable sources that will be able to sustain the global population’s high demands. Traditional energy sources like oil, gas and coal are what the modern world knows and is most comfortable with, as its established fountain of fuel. Weighing the benefits and†¦show more content†¦Wind and sunlight are free and hydroelectric power is very inexpensive once a dam is built. Conversely traditional gas and oil production processes are very expensive for energy generation and there are large price swings with the burden of supply and demand. The bottom line for the global society as a whole has always been, and is foreseen to always be, about what it will cost. If a viable alternative source is identified to provide the same energy output at reduced consumer cost, it should be strongly considered if not fully implemented. A final reason why people support alternative energy sources is because they believe that renewable energy technologies will be capable of meeting the entire need for electricity in the United States as well as throughout the world. According to the U.S. Department of Energy â€Å"residential energy use in the United States will increase 25 percent by the year 2025† (Walker). It is necessary to spend the required monies on these renewable energy technologies, which will allow the country to create the needed alternative energy sources to combat this eventual increase in residential usage. An excellent example of this is the 410 million dollar construction project that includes 86 wind turbines on Wolfe Island near Cape Vincent, New York (2008). The renewable energy resources throughout the United States, let alone the entire world,Show MoreRelatedHybrid Automobiles vs. Fuel-efficient Automobiles1283 Words   |  5 Pagesreasons, consumers are feeling a pressing need to pu rchase a fuel-efficient automobile. However, the array of choices on the market are staggering. Not only do consumers have the choice between different brands of automobile manufactures; manufacturers are also offering different types of fuel-efficient cars. Some fuel-efficient cars use traditional internal combustion engines alone; others offer the option to use alternative fuel sources like diesel and biodiesel; and others yet offer the opportunityRead MoreIs Fossil Fuel Reserves Be Diminished?1354 Words   |  6 Pagesnecessary to find an alternative to fossil-fuels in transport energy. According to Shafiee, S. Topal, E, the authors of the journal article ‘When will fossil fuel reserves be diminished?’ the supply of fossil fuels will drastically decline towards a potential shortage of fossil fuel from approximately the year 2042 [6]. According to The Economist, the increase of petroleum prices are due to a number of factors including the rising global demand and th e supply of fossil fuels. Statistically, producersRead MoreNuclear Fusion And Nuclear Energy Essay1638 Words   |  7 Pagesnuclear installation, nuclear vessel or handling of radioactive materials. Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. In common dialogue, the term fossil fuel also includes hydrocarbon-containing natural resources that are not derived from animal or plant sources. These are sometimes known instead as mineral fuels. The utilization of fossil fuels has enabled large-scale industrial development and largely supplanted water-drivenRead MoreBiofuels Vs. Fossil Fuels1622 Words   |  7 Pages Biofuels vs. Fossil Fuels (David Ross, 2005) Carbon dioxide, the chief byproduct of fossil fuel combustion, is a potent greenhouse gas that remains in the atmosphere indefinitely. In the U.S., the burning of coal for electricity pumps more than 2.4 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year, according to the Energy Information Administration. People ask what about the cars? How do they affect the environment? 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No air pollution Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear energy has the lowest impact on the environment since it does not release any gases like carbon dioxideRead MoreHardware Implementation Of Impedance Inverter And Controlling Speed Of Three Phase Induction Motor1473 Words   |  6 Pages 2.1 Brief Overview 2.2 Impedance network 2.3 equivalent circuits 2.4 Operating principle of Impedance Inverter Chapter 3: Impedance Inverter 3.1 Traditional Inverter 3.1.1 VSI or CSI 3.1.2 PWM Method for controlling 3.1.2 Impedance Inverter 3.1.3 Circuit Diagram 3.1.4 Operating mode 3.1.5 Shoot through Chapter 4: IM (Induction Motor) 4.1 IntroductionRead MoreFirst Solar2601 Words   |  11 PagesTarget Market Segments o Marketing Mix o Position vs. Competition †¢ Evaluation Summary: o Consolidated look at the facts o Opinion on companies future success o Technological Innovation and future affects Company Product Overview: â€Å"First Solar is a leading manufacturer in photovoltaic solar modules and provider of solar solutions.† (First Solar, 2011) Through clean and renewable electricity First solar provides a viable alternative to energy at an economically and environmentally

Friday, December 13, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork Free Essays

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork Advantages: * The first and the most important advantages of group work is that it increases the total productivity. You can use the very best of every member of the group and thus have quality output. The best skills of every member of the group are utilized to the maximum, and thus there is no compromise on the productivity when you are working as a group. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork or any similar topic only for you Order Now This advantage would undoubtedly come first in the list of advantages and disadvantages of working in groups. The more members you have in a group, the more resources you have at the end of the day. This means you can meet more ends with these resources. Another way to look at it is that as the number of people go on increasing, the knowledge of the team also increases. All these people bring in their very own experience which adds to that of the group. This means, at the end of the day, the group has more knowledge, more experience and more resources. The assets of the company just increase in this way. * When you give a particular project to a group for completion, you also give them a deadline. When there are more number of people working in a group, you naturally intend to trust that group more as they have the manpower. If a few of the members are absent or not coming to work, the rest can still finish the project. Groups are bound to land up with more projects as they can develop more number of plans and more options for one particular problem. In the end, you are more in profit if you work in a group. * When you work alone, you are automatically biased towards someone or something. You are human and this is bound to happen from the best of managers. However, when you work in group, you reduce that bias considerably. While working in a group, you need to tell everyone why you are taking a particular decision. Once you tell the entire group about your decision, even they have to agree to it so that you can execute it. This way, you tend to think in a more professional way, which works better for you! Disadvantages: * One of the greatest drawbacks of working in a team is that there is no freedom of doing as you wish. How much ever you prove your point and the rationality of applying your decision, it won’t be agreed upon if the other members in the group disagree on it. Every action of yours needs approval from everyone else in the group. This becomes a bit time-consuming. Another problem is that working in a group is bound to give rise to ‘groupism’, which might add to the negativity in the working atmosphere and hamper the quality of work, not the quantity. * Another important mention in all the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups is the time factor one needs to evaluate all the members of the group. Most organizations look at the overall output and don’t look into the details if the work is presented as they wanted it. However, at such times, they don’t realize that some employees have hardly put in any effort and some have done maximum work. There are many escape routes while working in a group. Judging the productivity of every employee doesn’t only take time but is sometimes, impossible if there are no records. * When you work in a group and achieve more than the productivity required, you are bound to get some rewards. Sometimes, these rewards are equal for all while at times, they aren’t. Suppose there is only promotion available, who will get it? It is very difficult to measure the work done by every employee in comparison to others. This means that the possibility of unequal credit cannot be denied. Increments will vary for everyone in the group and this might add to the inequality. If ‘A’ has done 10 things and ‘B’ has done 100, B will be rewarded more in normal circumstances. Very few will take the efforts and check who has actually given more revenue. * While working in a group, many people develop a competitive attitude or approach towards their work. They are constantly trying to work ‘more’ than the others. What they should actually focus on is working ‘better’ than the others. This kind of attitude reduces the quality in the overall productivity and thus the objective of working as a team is lost. If you work in a creative field, this attitude will reduce the creativity to a great extent. Losing the focus is easy when all you are worried about is winning the race. Instead of competing with other groups members, people should compete with their own self to give a better output as an individual, and eventually as a team. * These were all the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups, that are not only mportant from the knowledge perspective but also because you need to find solutions to all the disadvantages. The benefits of working in groups undoubtedly weigh more than the disadvantages of group working. You need to focus more on the advantages of group work to gain maximum, quality output, efficiently. Thus, working together in groups and teams is more beneficial f or a company or for a project in school even. Continue doing the same! By Neha Joshi Last Updated: 9/27/2011 Buzzle:Â  http://www. buzzle. com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-working-in-groups. html How to cite Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Relationship Between Terrorism and Democracy free essay sample

A paper which explores the relationship between democracy and the rise in recent global terrorism. The paper shows that many believe that the root cause of the new wave of global terrorism is an increasing divide between rich and poor, thus inciting rising resentment against the local elites and foreign exploitation. The paper discusses methods which the U.S. might use to combat this terrorism, despite the difficulty in attacking anonymous groups. It shows, too, how democratic civil liberties might be sacrificed in the face of stringent security restrictions in the U.S. and the world today. Furthermore it is impossible to identify states that sponsor new terrorism (Bellamy, 1996). The more conventional terrorists, such as the IRA, are more vulnerable to penetration by intelligence agencies than the smaller separate cells of the new-style organizations. Penetrating extremist cults is more difficult (Bellamy, 1996). Therefore, the new terrorists could be called anarchists in its true sense. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Terrorism and Democracy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the 19th century, most of the terrorist groups, including the anarchists and nihilists had political aims even if they were poorly defined. The groups of the 90s do not. They can only be understood in terms of where they come from, such as the Hizbollah from the refugee camps in Gaza and the Hamas from southern Lebanon (Bellamy, 1996). They recruit from the marginalized and the dispossessed such as Algeria. This is perhaps the archetype, a very divided society with a repressive government (Bellamy, 1996).

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Pre AND Post 1900 Comparative Essay Example

Pre AND Post 1900 Comparative Essay In this essay, I have chosen to compare and contrast the following two poems Even Tho by Grace Nichols and To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell. These two poems were roughly written three centuries apart, and so the social factors and religious beliefs as well as other things were different. Therefore different ideas would be portrayed in the poems.In the 17th century when To his Cot Mistress was written, women were not known for writing poems about love let alone sex, as womens opinions werent respected. If a woman was sent a poem like the one that Andrew Marvell wrote, then she would probably go weak at the knees and do whatever was asked of her. However, in the late 20th century, when Even Tho was written, womens opinions and rights were respected in society and more and more female poets emerged with some ideas that were once thought unacceptable for women.One other main factor that affected the ideas portrayed in these poems is partly to do with religion and partly to do with what used to be thought of as socially acceptable and what is thought as socially acceptable now. At the time To his Coy Mistress was written, women were expected to keep their virginity until they were married. This is why the poem is set out as an argument, trying to persuade his lover to have sex with him. This is different to the time when Even Tho was written because women were not expected to stay a virgin.I will now discuss the similarities and differences between the content of the first poem, To his Coy Mistress and the second poem Even Tho. The first poem To his Coy Mistress is unusual for the time as it has an untraditional structure. It has no verses but it has three sections each with a different number of lines. The fact that it has no verses suggests that the subject of the poem never really changes, only the perspective of the poet. This is so, that the poet can present an effective argument. In the poem, some of the sentences carry on to the next line this is to in crease the pace and build up a good argument. Another reason for why it is unusual for its time is because of the purpose. At the time that the poem was written, women were expected to keep their virginity until they were married, but the poet is asking his lover to lose her virginity, although they arent married.The three different sections separate the different parts of the argument that he is putting across. In the first section, we see the poet describing what he would do if he could spend eternity with his lover, A hundred years should go to praise thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze. In the second section, he is saying that although it would be nice to do the things which he said in paragraph one, he cant because he wont live forever and she will eventually die with her quaint honour. A quote to show this would be, Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound my echoing song: then worms shall try that long preserved virginity. The final section concludes the argument by saying what they should do in order that his mistress does not die having never expressed her love towards her lover.I think, that from the perspective of the poets mistress, the poem is quite successful. This is because the poet uses some very effective methods to persuade his lover. In the first section, he sweet-talks his lover before scaring her into bed with thoughts of death in the second section. This is why the structure is very good as in my opinion, it allows the poet to separate the poem into three separate parts, creating an effective argument.The second poem, Even Tho by Grace Nichols is in many ways very different. Her ideas would have been seen as very controversial if they were expressed at the same time as To his Coy Mistress was written. We can see this from the purpose of the poem, the intention being to inform her lover that she wants sex without the commitment. This is unlike the woman in To his Coty Mistress as she has to be heavily persuaded to do such a thing. At the ti me Even Tho was written, women were far more in control of their own lives and didnt succumb to obsequiousness as easily.A way that these two poems are similar is that they both have an untraditional structure. Even Tho, is very much a free verse poem, in that it doesnt have a set number of lines per verse or a set number of words per line. It also has very little punctuation. This enables it to highlight the untraditional ideas it contains. This is similar to the reasoning behind an unconventional structure in To his Coy Mistress. Both of these poems are written in the first person, this means that both of the poets can reinforce their emotions by making the poem more personal. Again, Even Tho and To his Coy Mistress are partly similar in purpose; they both express emotion and give the poets view on their relationship.The manner in which the poets express their emotions are quite different. In Even Tho, the poet uses a positive and light-hearted tone to put across her feelings, whe reas in To his Coy Mistress, Grace Nichols uses more traditional ideas of love as well as his unorthodox views on his relationship with his lover.In my opinion, both poems may well be seen as relatively offensive because they are very biased as they only take into account their own opinions. What about the other person in the relationship? They may desire something different! To his Coy Mistress is especially offensive because the poets requirements are just sexual pleasure.As is to be expected, the language of these two poems is very different in many ways. The vocabulary in To his Coy Mistress is very dated as the poem was written in the mid 17th century. Unfamiliar words like thou and thine are used, which could be difficult to comprehend for the majority of people in this day and age.There is a lot of imagery used in this poem to create a picture in our minds of the poets lover and the relationship that they share. The poet uses metaphors such as Times winged chariot and Iron ga tes of life. He also uses similes, for example, the youthful hue, sits on thy skin like morning dew. In addition to this simile, this sentence shows us another technique, which is called personification. All of these techniques, plus some very elaborate descriptions build up some very apparent images.The poem rhymes all the way through in couplets and this is one of the only regularities in this poem. This means that when you read the poem, as well as picking up the untraditional ideas, you also sense the regularity, which makes the poem easier to identify with. It also has the same alliteration in it, for example: long love and love at lower rate. These are both to be found in the first section, along with some assonance that gives similar sounds, for example: shouldst rubies find. These are all soft, sumptuous and loving sounds which comply with the messages in the first section. As you would think, the second section contains more hard sounds, for example: turn to dust and the th ird section contains dramatic and indicative ideas and so uses sounds to back these up, for example: instant fires and rough strife.The poem appeals to a couple of the senses, mainly sight because of all the imagery used and sound because of the descriptions used associated to sound. The beat of the poem is also regular, as it has approximately 8 10 syllables per line; this suggests that it flows when read.The vocabulary of Even Tho is very different to that of To his Coy Mistress, mainly because it was written much later, round about the 1970s or 1980s. This meant that the language was much more up to date. The time that it was written also means that it was possible for the poem to be written with a Caribbean dialect. An example of this is, Keep to de motion, and leh we go.It was very unusual to see a poem written in a Caribbean dialect from the period in which To his Coy Mistress was composed, so this highlights a difference between the two poems. The dialect allows the poet to bring in some of her ethnicity and culture to her work.A connection between the two poems is that they both use ample amounts of imagery. In Even Tho metaphors are used, for example: Im all watermelon and star apple and plum when you touch me. This metaphor shows us what the poet is feeling. Grace Nichols uses juicy, soft fruits to describe it because thats how she feels. The poem is very short, and due to this, we dont find any similes or personification, but the poem does have some very interesting descriptions to create images, such as, you be banana, I be avocado, which describes the male and female sex organs the banana symbolizes the penis as it is very hard and long, whereas the avocado denotes a vagina as it is very warm, soft and in particularly red! This type of imagery is somewhat different to that used in To his Coy Mistress as it is more intimate, light-hearted and humorous, unlike the romantic and sometimes frightening imagery of To his Coy Mistress. The sounds to the poem are one of the keys to its success. Assonance such as watermelon, strar apple and plum gives juicy and sumptuous sounds that appeal very much to the readers sense of taste and touch. The imagery used when talking about the male and female sex organs, banana and avocado is quite amusing, and so appeals to the readers sense of sight.Besides the poem being outwardly funny, it has a relatively fundamental underlying message about the poets relationship, which is shown in the poets choice of repetition. The reiteration of Even Tho and leh we break free, is what tells the poets lover exactly what she wants from their relationship. She wants to be an individual even tho she enjoys having fun and spending time with her lover.In my opinion, the poem is similar to To his Coy Mistress when it comes to pace and rhythm as they are both irregular and so stressing their equally unorthodox messages.In conclusion, I would say that these poems arent completely unrelated, and the main thing that influences their differences is the time in which they were written. They both have similar purposes, only the perspective changes. It is largely male in To his Coy Mistress, but incredibly female in Even Tho. Another way that time has made the poems more different is the way that they are presented. To his Coy Mistress is presented as an argument that is trying to persuade the poets lover to give in to her passion for the poet and lose her virginity.However, Even Tho is more of a story than an argument. This is because she doesnt feel that she needs to persuade men to do what she wants them to do, only tell them how she feels. Andrew Marvell felt that he needed to persuade his lover, as simply making a suggestion would not be enough. These are just a few examples of the ways that they are different, and of course, there are many more, but we must remember the simple similarities. Both poems are about sexual relationships, they are both written in the first person and to conclude, they both express emotions!My particular favourite out of the two poems has to be Even Tho. The reason being, it is so simple, but yet has so many layers of meaning and tone. It is also comical as the imagery is fairly explicit as it talks about bananas and avocados representing the sexual organs on a humans body. The poem Even Tho also has a far more informal style of writing than To his Coy Mistress and communicates to more than just the poets lover. All of this is why Even Tho is my favourite poem out of the two.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Desperate Measures essays

Desperate Measures essays Desperate Measures Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. often stood up for something that is not popular, but an issue that is morally right. Some of his ideas included moderation and extremity. He practiced non-violence and peaceful protest. In his letter from a Birmingham jail he states, "In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps. The first is to determine whether there are injustices alive. The second is negotiation between the two-arguing parties. The third and fourth step is self-purification and direct action."# I believe in the saying, "Desperate times call for desperate measures." I do not believe that Dr. King would disagree with me, but his approach to a situation would be different from mine. I have used nonviolence to solve problems, but sometimes that always does not work. Sometimes one has to use alternative measures to get a point across. Many people remember the case of Rodney King. Rodney King became a reluctant symbol of police brutality a decade ago when amateur photographer George Holliday provided evidence that was hard to ignore. The videotape Holliday shot showed several white Los Angeles police officers using their batons to beat King, who had led them on a car chase after they tried to stop him for speeding, was broadcast around the world. The public and the media supported Rodney King and felt the police officers were wrong. But a Los Angeles jury seemed to ignore the video evidence. And when the four policemen charged with the beating were acquitted, it set off the worst riot in U.S. history. The King beating was followed by criticism of how police handled the 1992 riots and later the O.J. Simpson murder case. And now, the department is struggling with a corruption scandal in its Rampart Division that has led to charges against five officers, dismissal of more than 30 others and more than 100 convictions being overturned.# ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Pricing Strategy of Apple, Inc Research Paper

A Pricing Strategy of Apple, Inc - Research Paper Example Some of the software they are marketing includes the Mac OS X Operating System, iTunes media browser, the iWork suite of productivity software, iLife suite of multimedia and creativity, Final Cut Studio suite of professional audio and film-industry software products, Logic Studio suite of music production tools, Safari internet browser and iOS mobile operating system. It is believed that Apple Inc. highly influenced the Computer Industry (John). Â  Apple indeed established a unique and remarkable character and status in the consumer electronics industry. Apple has gained many loyal customers that are truly devoted to the company and to its products and brand, particularly in the United States. According to a news report based from the data in the year 2007, Apple Inc. is one of the high-technology companies with the significant number of loyal customers (Macnn, 2006). In the year 2008, the Fortune magazine, as the most well-liked company in the United States, also acknowledged Apple. Last March 2011, in the eighth annual American Brand Excellence Awards, Apple Inc. was recognized as the best brand that meets the need of small and midsized businesses. (Birmingham Business Journal, 2011) Lastly, on the United Kingdom T3 Awards, Apple won six of the twenty-five awards. Apple’s iPhone was scooped as the Most Anticipated Gadget or 2007, as voted by the Sky News online readers. On the hand, iPod was recognized as the Best Commuter Gadget, Best Music Gadget and Best Gadget of All Time (John).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Media Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Media Journal - Essay Example in her Ballet class and she often hears them pass weird remarks about themselves such as their skin is blemished or with pimples or that they had had a fat day. Some of them went to the extent of saying that they looked disgusting. Being a blogger herself, Julia brought this problem to the attention of other bloggers by starting an online petition drive. Julia took it a step further by taking the Seventeen Magazine to school and showing it to many of the kids, both boys and girls and asked them if they agreed with the petition where she asked the Seventeen Magazine to â€Å"commit to printing one unaltered — real — photo spread per month.† (Julia Bluhm, 2012) Most of them agreed with it and signed the petition. In fact, the total was a staggering 46,000 people. Julia, with the help of her mother and a few friends visited the Seventeen Magazine office and held a demonstration outside. Ann Shoket, the editor -in - chief invited them inside and both parties thrashed out the problem together. Even though the editor explained that things like freckles and moles could be covered by make up, Julia was not convinced stating that it was not possible to cover up everything and so strongly feels that they were using digital

Monday, November 18, 2019

Nuclear Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Nuclear Energy - Essay Example Solar energy is the biggest source of energy. Electrical energy can be generated directly from solar energy by employing solar photo voltaic panels. Electrical energy can also be produced by focusing multiple beams of light at a point to generate electrical energy using the thermal energy produced by focused beams. Solar energy has the biggest potential among all the renewable sources of energy. A photo voltaic solar panel employs semiconductor material, which generate electricity when photons strike its surface. If there are solar panels on every home, the need of energy can be fulfilled (West 2011). A wind generator generates electrical power by utilizing aerodynamic energy of the wind and converting it to electrical energy. When wind strikes the turbine blazes of a wind generator, it runs the generator. An electrical power generator, if a permanent magnet type, rotates magnets around a coil in such a way, that the magnets cut the flux, thus generating electrical power. There a two common designs of a wind turbine horizontal axis wind turbine and vertical axis wind turbine. Both of the designs are enough efficient to generate electrical power even in a low wind conditions. Wind power holds the second biggest potential of energy. A hydro power plant captures the hydrodynamic energy of running water and utilized it to generate electrical power. Dams are constructed as reservoirs of water, where water is collected from rivers and streams but mostly rivers. That water run through a number of turbines to collect hydrodynamic energy from water and convert it to mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is then converted back to the electrical energy. There are many hydro power stations all over the world and they are being in use for over more than eighty years (Renewable Energy World .com 2011). Tidal energy generator converts tidal energy to electrical energy. A tidal generator works on the principle of high tide and low tide. It has the same mechanism as that of a horizontal axis wind turbine but in tidal energy generator, turbines are submerged under the water to collect the energy from the low or high tide. These types of generators can also be utilized to collect energy from running water as in the rivers, streams and other running water sources. Large tidal units can be placed at shores and at the rivers. Geothermal energy can be captured from geothermal grounds. This type of energy is basically a thermal energy and a geothermal power plant acts as a thermal power plant, where water is converted into steam which then runs the turbine to generate electrical power. Long pipes are bored into the earth where geothermal grounds are present. Water is passed through these pipes, where it is heated by the thermal energy from the ground and converted into steam (West 2011). There are several geothermal grounds in the world and energy can be generated by employing these geothermal plants. Biomass energy can be extracted from biomass or from organ ic waste. Biomass is gasified to produce a gas that can be burnt to generate electrical energy. These methods are not new, they are being utilized in many countries for many years. Biomass can be produced from raw wood, organic waste and other organic sources. Sometimes micro organisms are involved in the process to capture bio methane or bio gas from biomass. In this way the byproduct can be utilized as a fertilizer,

Friday, November 15, 2019

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines Executive Summary: Singapore Airlines Singapore Airlines was established as a separate entity in 1972, when it split up with the Malaysia-Singapore Airlines. However, if the actual history of the formation of the company is considered, then, Singapore Airlines was founded in 1947, when it was inherent to the Malayan Airlines. In those days, just three flights per week, to Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang, were all that the people in Singapore were privileged to. But, there were very fast developments in the situation in a span of two decades. During this period, Singapores Kallang Airport gained an international exposure and started making huge additions to its fleet. Soon after the birth of the Federation of Malaysia on February, 1963, the Malayan Airlines came to be known as the Malaysian Airlines, and in 1966, it was renamed the Malaysian-Singapore Airlines. But, in 1972, fifteen years from the day it was founded, Singapore Airlines split up with Malaysian Airlines and acquired a separate identity. This split however, helped the airlines to take its decisions itself and the company was able to implement many innovative schemes which helped it not only to gain a greater popularity, but also to expand its business by a far greater extent than its Malaysian counterpart. The airlines that started off with just a single plane that took off just thrice in a week some six decades ago, has today managed to develop quite a large and advanced fleet today, that covers 93 destinations in 38 countries. However, the success of any organisation depends upon a number of factors. Inspite of thorough and regular research programs, many organisations havent been able to succeed in their fields. There still remain some intrinsic problems that many fail to notice initially but which become prominent as time passes by. This paper is a case study to identify any such problems that might hinder the successful working of an organisation and what the possible ways to avoid them could be (The Creation of Singapore Airlines, 2009) Chapter 1: Organisational Structure and its Basic Elements A. Organisational Structure Organisational Structure is an ordering among a group of people who coordinate among themselves for achieving a predetermined target. A good organisational structure plays a major role in the maintenance of discipline in a company and hence, is very important for a smooth run, because a proper and clear hierarchy not only distinguishes among the different duties that different people should perform but also makes the best use of a persons potentials. An organisation could be structured in either a hierarchical (top-down) or a functional manner (managed by different heads in different departments), according to the size and the diversity into which a company indulges itself (Organizational Structure, n.d.). The Singapore Airlines is one of the biggest in terms of turnover as well as coverage in the airlines industry. But, the secret behind it is a good organisation. It follows a hierarchical organisational structure being a subsidiary of the Singapore Government and a number of vice-presidents underneath responsible for a variety of operations. The Singapore Airlines had long been exemplified as one with a very flexible organisational structure that had forever helped it to emerge out of contingencies. But, the more important part for the success behind an organisation is the relation that exists between its various elements. B. Elements of Organisational Structure (i) Complexity of the Organisation The Singapore Airlines today has a strength of about 2000 pilots, 7000 operating cabin crew and 170 ground staff. In addition, to the core work of commuting people, it also is involved in a variety of activities aimed towards social welfare and environmental protection, for which the company employs a large number of executives The company also indulges in researches aimed at improvement of its services and enhancing its circle of operations. The company had historically been a pioneer in the adoption of new technologies in the aviation industry in fields of both flight and in-flight facilities. It became more evident when the company became the first to own and operate the largest aircraft in the world, A380, in 2007 between Singapore and Sydney (Dooley, K. 2002, pp1) (ii) Centralisation of Structure For Singapore Airlines, although the ultimate power rests in the hands of the Government of Singapore via the Ministry of Finance, the government had always been very strict about its non-involvement in the management of the company and thus has recruited a number of efficient vice-presidents who are assigned to the proper running of the organisation. Thus, theoretically although it could be said that the firm has a centralised structure, yet practically this can not be supported on a firm ground. (iii) Formalisation of Structure Formalisation implies the degree by which an organisation formalises its process of setting rules, regulations and restrictions on its members. The Singapore Airlines had never been an autocrat in the field but had rather focused on keeping the regulations low so that its employees are comfortable in the environment they work and feel free to propose any probable changes that might be in favour of the organisation. Keeping the rules and regulations minimal have added to the productivity of its employees and has helped it to grow so fast. Chapter 2 Dimensions of Organisational Structure: Mintzbergs Theorem Henry Mintzberg identified six different types of organisational structures suitable for different types of organisations passing through different phases, namely Simple Structure, Machine Bureaucracy, Professional Bureaucracy, Division Organisation, Innovative Organisation and Idealistic Organisation. At the beginning, the organisation adopts a simple structure that is not being able to afford a highly organised hierarchy in the initial stage. As the firm starts growing, it adopts a more organised structure according to the type of business. Machine Bureaucracy would be ideal for those firms that are more dependent on researches and innovations, while Professional Bureaucracy implies the presence of a large number of specialists in the organisation. Division Organisation is suitable for those that involve themselves in a number of products, for which the coordination between the various links in the middle management becomes important. Innovative Organisational Structure is that in which formal training is imparted to the employees for the efficient running of the system. Lastly, the Idealistic Organisational Structure is that in which the company fixes a set of policies that becomes the company motto and everyone is bound to adhere to it. The last five organisational configuratio ns being discussed represent a proper hierarchical or functional structure and develop only after the company attains a certain level of growth (Organisational Configurations, 2009). Singapore Airlines is a mature airlines firm that follows a hierarchical organisational structure. However, the company cannot be said to be following a single configuration, but rather it is inclined to both Machine Bureaucracy and Professional Bureaucracy. None of the other structures are found to exist within the organisation neither does it indulge itself in a large variety of products so as to follow a Division Organisation, nor does it impart any formal training to its employees who are already trained at the time of recruitment (the case of Innovative Organisation) and nor is there any such strict company motto that is intrinsic for an Idealistic Structure. Rather, the companys nature to employ already specialized people in its organisation, as is the case for all aviation firms, and its involvement in a large number of research projects meant to promote both its internal and external affairs proves that the firm follows a Machine Bureaucracy as well as a Professional Bureauc racy type of organisational structure. Chapter 3 Determinants of Organisational Structure: Organisational Goals Organisational goals are those that help a company to smoothly run its operations by avoiding any chaotic environment and giving a direction and motivation to the company. Setting organisational goals help a company to know the exact targets that it needs to achieve and plan a strategy that would be most appropriate to acquire them. In other words, planning of organisational goals help a firm to act in a more effective and efficient manner. The goals that a company sets mainly are based upon two key facts ends focus and means focus. The natures of these goals however keep on changing depending on that of the team (Setting Organisational Goals, n.d.). The chief organisational goals of the Singapore Airlines had been the achievement of a stable and a pioneer position in its respective field of operation. The company had indeed been the first in launching a number of new programs, new techniques and devices. The most notable is the fact that the airlines became the first on October 25, 2007, to own and operate the worlds largest commercial aircraft the A380 between Sydney, Singapore, London, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong. The airlines company also researches upon the changing tastes of its consumers and keeps on changing its customer services accordingly. It has enhanced the entertainment services, food services and other in-flight services according to the changing tastes of its customers and this is the reason why a large number of people had been loyal to the company for many years. Moreover, it had been making additions to its fleet on a regular basis so as to ensure maximum coverage in its operations, both for the convenience of the people as well as helping itself to earn greater profit margins. Chapter 4 Organisational Effectiveness There are four approaches that judge the organisational effectiveness, namely goal attainment approach, systems approach, strategic constituents approach, balanced scorecard approach. The goal attainment approach identifies the goals of the organisation and paves a path to achieve them. It should be the ideal approach when goals are clearly measurable with respect to time and the organisations capability. The greatest advantage of this criteria is that it can be very straight-forward, provided the goals are properly specified. The Systems Approach is that which utilises the scarce resources derived from the surrounding environment, effectively, for the accomplishment of organisational goals. This approach should be ideally used when there is a clear link between the inputs used and the output produced by the company. The main advantage of this approach is that, before deciding upon the company goals, it assesses the impact that the completion of the targets set by the firm would create on the society and the environment. The Strategic Constituencies approach is that which stresses upon the successful completion of the demands of one or more constituencies internal to or an external of the organisation. This approach is adopted by an organisation in case the constituencies have a very strong influence in the firms operations. The benefit of this approach is that the firm evaluates its budget and compares it with a number of competing ones before it pins up on one or more organisational goals. A balanced scorecard approach to assess organisational effectiveness should be adapted to judge whether the small-scale operations in a firm are aligning with its larger-scale activities. This approach is the ideal one to evaluate a firms long-term interests. Thus this approach helps in aligning the firms direction of operations accordingly after citing the goals in a proper manner. Since it is an approach emphasising on the long run, so, it must be very patient in its activities. It is a widely known fact that any organisation that wants to sustain in the industry and create a stable and strong ground for itself, must focus on the long-term interests. Singapore Airlines is one such firm that had always aimed towards long-run gains and that is the reason why it is at present in the most stable position compared to all other aviation firms in Asia. Again this particular firm had always aimed at becoming a pioneer in its field of operations and had in most cases been able to achieve its aim. This needs a true understanding of the firms capabilities and the constraints that might hinder its operations, before it sets a goal for itself. Thus, it could not be said that the firm had been a loyal follower of a particular approach to measure its organisational effectiveness. Rather, the approach it had been following could be separately identified as having the characteristics of both the goal attainment approach and the balanced scorecard approach. Chapter 5 Structural Problems Whatever be the organisational structure adopted by a company, in most cases, it cannot be problem-free. Especially in a hierarchical structure, the main problem is that of communication. The decisions that the bureaucrats at the top of the organisation make take a longer span of time to trickle-down to its grass root workers. Moreover, because of this lack of communication, the ambience in the organisation could be very chaotic thus disturbing the smooth functioning of a firm. However, any such problem is not expected to arise in case of Singapore Airlines since the topmost position is held by the Government of Singapore that has strictly kept itself aloof from all operational activities of the firm. Instead, it has divided the different departments and employed a number of vice-presidents as the heads of those sections. This eases out the process by a large extent. Another probable problem that might arise in a particular organisational configuration is that of very restrictive rules and regulations that often confine the activities of its employees under the impression of being very disciplined. The employees in such firms neither get enough enthusiasm to work and nor to innovate. But, Singapore Airlines had been very vigilant of this fact and had always allowed its employees to have their own space which had helped the company not merely to grow but also to become one of the fastest growing and innovative in the industry. Conclusion At a time when the Asian aviation industry on the whole is at the verge of a collapse, the Singapore Airlines appears to be its only ray of hope. The company had always made provisions for a flexible organisational structure by adjusting its management force according to the economic situations. Since it belongs to a small country, the airlines had always made the best possible use of the globalisation factor and thus had responded to regional crises on a comparatively low scale. For example the present downfall that has almost gulped the Asian aviation industry, is mainly caused by an initial surge in the flow of wealth in the pockets of the Asian middle-class and then a sudden decline in the foreign exchange rate in terms of dollars when most of the debts were denominated in terms of dollars. Moreover, the immense rise in fuel costs is also one of the reasons. However, Singapore Airlines had strategically handled its business in a way that nothing other than a global meltdown could affect it. It had already spread its wings to a large number of countries and already had acquired a huge number of loyal customers through some unique customer services that it provides (Asia Pacific Management News, June 24, 1998, para 2 9-11). References Asia Pacific Management News, June 24, 1998, Asian airline industry teeters on collapse [Online]. Available at http://www.apmforum.com/news/apmn185.htm [Accessed on August 23, 2009] Center for Awareness, Service and Action, n.d. Setting Organisational Goals [pdf]. Available at http://www.sandiego.edu/csl/casa/pdf_folder/skill_building/org_development/setting.pdf [Accessed on August 24, 2009]. Dooley, K. 2002. Organizational Complexity [pdf]. Available at http://www.public.asu.edu/~kdooley/papers/iebm.PDF [Accessed on August 23, 2009] McShane Steven L., Glinow Mary Ann Von, 2008, Organisational Structure [PPT]. Available at http://www.tarleton.edu/~fry/350ppts/Chapter%2015.ppt [Accessed on August 23, 2009]. Organizational Structure, n.d, Organizational Structure [Online]. Available at http://www.organizationalstructure.net/ [Accessed on August 23, 2009] Singapore Airlines, 2009, The Creation of Singapore Airlines [Online]. Available at http://www.singaporeair.com/saa/en_UK/content/company_info/siastory/history.jsp [Accessed on August 24, 2009] The Executive Fast Track, 2009, Organisational Configurations [Online] Available at http://www.12manage.com/methods_mintzberg_configurations.html [Accessed on August 23, 2009]. Bibliographies Robbins, S.P. and Barnwell, N. (2002) Organisation Theory. Prentice Hall: Sydney.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Provoking Revenge In Hamlet Essay example -- essays research papers

Storming into the palace and throwing accusations at Claudius, Laertes reveals he is impulsive. Laertes anger is due to the dishonor that has been inflicted on his family by Polonius’s murder. Claudius takes advantage of the sudden appearance of Laertes, by provoking Laertes into assisting him in plotting Hamlet’s murder. Shakespeare uses Laertes not only as a catalyst in the story, but as a contrast to the pensive Hamlet. Both men seek the same kind of justice but chose different paths to attain it. Laertes acts on anger without thinking, but Hamlet waits, debating the consequence of committing murder. Laertes function is to contrast Hamlet’s sensibility with his incensed spontaneity.Claudius manipulates to his advantage Laertes lack of hesitation and hot temper. Winning Laertes support by painting Hamlet as a malicious killer Claudius provokes Laertes to avenge Polonius. Claudius gives Laertes initiative to kill Hamlet saying for Hamlet’s "death no wind of blame shall breathe"(227) on the killer. Laertes is eager to "be the organ"(227) that aids Claudius in killing Hamlet, but to make sure Laertes is not "a face without a heart"(231) Claudius questions Laertes love for his father. This is Laertes breaking point. Laertes wants immediate action so that his "revenge will come"(225), not thinking of the consequence. His ability to ignore what will result from his revenge contrasts Hamlet’s turmoil over killing Claudius.Because Hamlet... Provoking Revenge In Hamlet Essay example -- essays research papers Storming into the palace and throwing accusations at Claudius, Laertes reveals he is impulsive. Laertes anger is due to the dishonor that has been inflicted on his family by Polonius’s murder. Claudius takes advantage of the sudden appearance of Laertes, by provoking Laertes into assisting him in plotting Hamlet’s murder. Shakespeare uses Laertes not only as a catalyst in the story, but as a contrast to the pensive Hamlet. Both men seek the same kind of justice but chose different paths to attain it. Laertes acts on anger without thinking, but Hamlet waits, debating the consequence of committing murder. Laertes function is to contrast Hamlet’s sensibility with his incensed spontaneity.Claudius manipulates to his advantage Laertes lack of hesitation and hot temper. Winning Laertes support by painting Hamlet as a malicious killer Claudius provokes Laertes to avenge Polonius. Claudius gives Laertes initiative to kill Hamlet saying for Hamlet’s "death no wind of blame shall breathe"(227) on the killer. Laertes is eager to "be the organ"(227) that aids Claudius in killing Hamlet, but to make sure Laertes is not "a face without a heart"(231) Claudius questions Laertes love for his father. This is Laertes breaking point. Laertes wants immediate action so that his "revenge will come"(225), not thinking of the consequence. His ability to ignore what will result from his revenge contrasts Hamlet’s turmoil over killing Claudius.Because Hamlet...