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German Verbs - wissen - to know - conjugated

German Verbs - wissen - to know - conjugated In the accompanying outline you will discover the conjugation of the sporadic German verbâ ...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

What They Fought For 1861-1865 Free Essay Example, 750 words

The review addresses critical issues illustrated in the historical book What They Fought For 1861-1865. James McPherson adequately examines the people who took part in the Civil War in the United States. McPherson has adequate knowledge in American historical issues because he competently served as the US history lecture at the Princeton University. The book stresses the motivation that made the soldiers, mostly volunteers, to participate in the war and hence risk their lives. The focus of the review is in the areas of; expertise and motive of the author, ideologies and objectives illustrated in the book, book critique, and also recommendations based on the book. James McPherson is among the most competent historians internationally. In the present intellectual atmosphere, he has strongly defended the progressive analysis and understanding of the American Civil War. McPherson wrote the book based on several lectures that he conducted at the Louisiana State University, titled "The W alter L. Fleming Lectures in Southern History. " The author is an authority in American history, due to the high knowledge, skills and experiences acquired lecturing at Princeton University. The main objective of McPherson that resulted in writing the book was, to illustrate the motivations of the volunteer soldiers during the American civil war. We will write a custom essay sample on What They Fought For 1861-1865 or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page What They Fought For 1861-1865 was developed based on "The Walter L. Fleming Lectures in Southern History" conducted at the Louisiana State University.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Alternative vs. Traditional Fuel Sources - 2675 Words

Alternative vs. Traditional Energy Sources The use of alternative energy sources versus the use of traditional energy sources has become one of the country’s, if not the world’s, most heated debate in recent years. For the purposes of this paper, the term â€Å"alternative energy† refers to any form of energy that is not derived from fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources like wind farms, solar cells, hydroelectric dams, biomass fuels, and nuclear power have been considered to be attainable sources that will be able to sustain the global population’s high demands. Traditional energy sources like oil, gas and coal are what the modern world knows and is most comfortable with, as its established fountain of fuel. Weighing the benefits and†¦show more content†¦Wind and sunlight are free and hydroelectric power is very inexpensive once a dam is built. Conversely traditional gas and oil production processes are very expensive for energy generation and there are large price swings with the burden of supply and demand. The bottom line for the global society as a whole has always been, and is foreseen to always be, about what it will cost. If a viable alternative source is identified to provide the same energy output at reduced consumer cost, it should be strongly considered if not fully implemented. A final reason why people support alternative energy sources is because they believe that renewable energy technologies will be capable of meeting the entire need for electricity in the United States as well as throughout the world. According to the U.S. Department of Energy â€Å"residential energy use in the United States will increase 25 percent by the year 2025† (Walker). It is necessary to spend the required monies on these renewable energy technologies, which will allow the country to create the needed alternative energy sources to combat this eventual increase in residential usage. An excellent example of this is the 410 million dollar construction project that includes 86 wind turbines on Wolfe Island near Cape Vincent, New York (2008). The renewable energy resources throughout the United States, let alone the entire world,Show MoreRelatedHybrid Automobiles vs. Fuel-efficient Automobiles1283 Words   |  5 Pagesreasons, consumers are feeling a pressing need to pu rchase a fuel-efficient automobile. However, the array of choices on the market are staggering. Not only do consumers have the choice between different brands of automobile manufactures; manufacturers are also offering different types of fuel-efficient cars. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork Free Essays

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork Advantages: * The first and the most important advantages of group work is that it increases the total productivity. You can use the very best of every member of the group and thus have quality output. The best skills of every member of the group are utilized to the maximum, and thus there is no compromise on the productivity when you are working as a group. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork or any similar topic only for you Order Now This advantage would undoubtedly come first in the list of advantages and disadvantages of working in groups. The more members you have in a group, the more resources you have at the end of the day. This means you can meet more ends with these resources. Another way to look at it is that as the number of people go on increasing, the knowledge of the team also increases. All these people bring in their very own experience which adds to that of the group. This means, at the end of the day, the group has more knowledge, more experience and more resources. The assets of the company just increase in this way. * When you give a particular project to a group for completion, you also give them a deadline. When there are more number of people working in a group, you naturally intend to trust that group more as they have the manpower. If a few of the members are absent or not coming to work, the rest can still finish the project. Groups are bound to land up with more projects as they can develop more number of plans and more options for one particular problem. In the end, you are more in profit if you work in a group. * When you work alone, you are automatically biased towards someone or something. You are human and this is bound to happen from the best of managers. However, when you work in group, you reduce that bias considerably. While working in a group, you need to tell everyone why you are taking a particular decision. Once you tell the entire group about your decision, even they have to agree to it so that you can execute it. This way, you tend to think in a more professional way, which works better for you! Disadvantages: * One of the greatest drawbacks of working in a team is that there is no freedom of doing as you wish. How much ever you prove your point and the rationality of applying your decision, it won’t be agreed upon if the other members in the group disagree on it. Every action of yours needs approval from everyone else in the group. This becomes a bit time-consuming. Another problem is that working in a group is bound to give rise to ‘groupism’, which might add to the negativity in the working atmosphere and hamper the quality of work, not the quantity. * Another important mention in all the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups is the time factor one needs to evaluate all the members of the group. Most organizations look at the overall output and don’t look into the details if the work is presented as they wanted it. However, at such times, they don’t realize that some employees have hardly put in any effort and some have done maximum work. There are many escape routes while working in a group. Judging the productivity of every employee doesn’t only take time but is sometimes, impossible if there are no records. * When you work in a group and achieve more than the productivity required, you are bound to get some rewards. Sometimes, these rewards are equal for all while at times, they aren’t. Suppose there is only promotion available, who will get it? It is very difficult to measure the work done by every employee in comparison to others. This means that the possibility of unequal credit cannot be denied. Increments will vary for everyone in the group and this might add to the inequality. If ‘A’ has done 10 things and ‘B’ has done 100, B will be rewarded more in normal circumstances. Very few will take the efforts and check who has actually given more revenue. * While working in a group, many people develop a competitive attitude or approach towards their work. They are constantly trying to work ‘more’ than the others. What they should actually focus on is working ‘better’ than the others. This kind of attitude reduces the quality in the overall productivity and thus the objective of working as a team is lost. If you work in a creative field, this attitude will reduce the creativity to a great extent. Losing the focus is easy when all you are worried about is winning the race. Instead of competing with other groups members, people should compete with their own self to give a better output as an individual, and eventually as a team. * These were all the advantages and disadvantages of working in groups, that are not only mportant from the knowledge perspective but also because you need to find solutions to all the disadvantages. The benefits of working in groups undoubtedly weigh more than the disadvantages of group working. You need to focus more on the advantages of group work to gain maximum, quality output, efficiently. Thus, working together in groups and teams is more beneficial f or a company or for a project in school even. Continue doing the same! By Neha Joshi Last Updated: 9/27/2011 Buzzle:Â  http://www. buzzle. com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-working-in-groups. html How to cite Advantages and Disadvantages of Teamwork, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Relationship Between Terrorism and Democracy free essay sample

A paper which explores the relationship between democracy and the rise in recent global terrorism. The paper shows that many believe that the root cause of the new wave of global terrorism is an increasing divide between rich and poor, thus inciting rising resentment against the local elites and foreign exploitation. The paper discusses methods which the U.S. might use to combat this terrorism, despite the difficulty in attacking anonymous groups. It shows, too, how democratic civil liberties might be sacrificed in the face of stringent security restrictions in the U.S. and the world today. Furthermore it is impossible to identify states that sponsor new terrorism (Bellamy, 1996). The more conventional terrorists, such as the IRA, are more vulnerable to penetration by intelligence agencies than the smaller separate cells of the new-style organizations. Penetrating extremist cults is more difficult (Bellamy, 1996). Therefore, the new terrorists could be called anarchists in its true sense. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Terrorism and Democracy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the 19th century, most of the terrorist groups, including the anarchists and nihilists had political aims even if they were poorly defined. The groups of the 90s do not. They can only be understood in terms of where they come from, such as the Hizbollah from the refugee camps in Gaza and the Hamas from southern Lebanon (Bellamy, 1996). They recruit from the marginalized and the dispossessed such as Algeria. This is perhaps the archetype, a very divided society with a repressive government (Bellamy, 1996).